I finally started piecing my many, many hexie pieces!!!
I am enjoying the process but am S.I.C.K. of blues!! I have 3/4" hexies and am sewing 37 in a row and then joining the rows. I'm just about finished putting all the blues together and can't wait to start the purples!
Shades of blue...
A shot as I am pulling out the papers...
The blue rows. You can see on the upper right that I am sewing that row onto the body...
Folded up blues...
So happy to start with the purples!
A beautiful stack of what remains of my blues and the purples...
This shows some actual purples sewn in already!!
Uki approved, of course! She's my biggest fan!
Thanks for stopping by! I have finished one more row of purples and am finishing up my last row of purples and then we start with the pinks!!
As always, thanks for stopping by!

How beautiful, I have never made hexies but one of these days I would like to try. I think it must take a lot of patience. Blessings Sandra
I am working on a hexie project too, but I am doing flowers instead of rows....unfortunitly most the fabric I had set aside for this is in storage 600 miles away but I know I will be reaquainted with it all soon enough.
How super incredibly patient you are, Alia !!! I see these & I think of the time you spent tracing, cutting & sewing!!! Love the fabric choices too.
Sandra: Thank you. There is a way to machine piece them too! Sometimes i wish I had gone that route! hahaha
Lisa: I hope you get your fabs soon! Remember to flex your fingers from time to time!
Xue: This project has a long history. I am anxious to get it done. However, I have so many more hexies to MAKE if I want this to cover any part of my body!! hehe
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