I've been busy lately and have neglected my blog! Yikes! Here are some photos of my daughter's 15th birthday party about two weeks ago!
Amal painstakingly cut out the numbers and letters on the wall. We could not find the heavy duty blade. It was frustrating but she put glitter on it and once it was done, as in many things in life, she was happy with it.
Back up!...This was on her actual birthday. Her Dad and I bought her the Oud and the Oud lessons (which are going fabulously! I'll get an update up soon!) for her present but when the actual day came, we HAD to give her something! I knew she wanted the fiberglass or hard case for her Oud and the 'cool' looking one, so I took Ali in to see Khalid and we bought it. I asked Khalid not to say anything to her because it was a surprise. The next time we came into the shop for the lesson; she noticed right away and was like, "Aw, somebody bought it!!!" *frown, frown* and then, "Khalid, do you have ANOTHER one???", yadda, yadda and he only smiled. I was dying inside. It is a good thing he did not steal a glance or I would have cracked up!
So, here is her brother presenting her with this lovely case. See the pink ribbon he put around the neck? Awww... PS. Don't look at my room....
I got her this necklace that says her name in Arabic. It is all the rage with the expats here! It is sterling silver and she loves it.
Ok. Back to the party....here is the GUITAR cake I made. Three layers of vegan chocolate cake. The chocolate frosting is a Mocha Chocolate Buttercream. Yum-o!
The kids enjoyed looking through Amal's baby photos. They really looked at them. Such nice kids. We have from the left, Baqar, Amal, Dzaf, Hareth.
They are making jokes and having a great time. Here is Dzaf, Hareth, Heron and Charlotte.
There are 15 candles on here, look closer!
Hareth is always animated and here he is telling a story!
Ali was such a great help to me! Thanks honey! Here is Becky taking pics of the 'epic' cake!
edited to say: See my quilt in the background on the wall?!! It looks yellow-y but still! See the matching pillows too??!!
She is ready to blow out the candles. My quilt looks so pretty!!
Here is a group shot with Ali. I like the smaller groups. These kids are great. They asked me to come and sit and chat with them. What 15 year olds do that? They are great to Amal which is the most important thing and they are very kind to Ali.
Group shot. Of these kids, only Charlie is leaving. This is very sad. Amal and Charlie take Oud lessons together and have gotten very close this past year. Charlie is going back to her home country of Holland. We will ALL miss you sweetie!
Here the boys are trying to recapture some stunt they pulled at Amal's bday party last year. I got a series of action shots but this is lengthy as it is. This is the final accomplishment! See my Happy Birthday banner in the back??
edited to say: See the missing blind? Waqar did it. He hit a golf ball into it and broke it but I am happy to say that we have replaced it now!
Here are the kids posing one last time before the parents came to pick them up. Amal had a great party!
Thanks for stopping by and I have a few more pics to put up; come back soon!

Your daughter is beautiful! She looks like a princess. Happy Birthday!
Looks like a great time was had by all. Happy birthday, Amal! And many more to come!!!!!
Okay I didn't necessarily want to be anonymous and didn't think to add my name to the text box so here's a new text box so you know who wrote the "Anonymous said..." it was me.
Jill :)
really fantastic recap of Amal's birthday. Thank you
Love the cake!
It looks like she had a great party! Tell we all wished her a happy birthday! Love, Andre, Pat and Tracy
Happy 15th... Looks like she had an awesome day... I rpobably would have busted out laughing as well... That cake looks yummy! And your sewing room. Looks neater than mine
Thanks all! I really appreciate it! I'll show her these comments after her exams! I barely get to see her to talk to her these days! Thankfully, tomorrow is her hardest and last exams! Whew!
I LOVE the quilt in the background of photo number 11....do you know the name of the block or have the pattern to share???
I have been a follower for about a year now and enjoy all the antics of your kids and cats too!!
leavenworth, kansas
*AHEM* I NEVER got to see these :O I'm so flattered *blush* thank you guys xD I did have a great day thanks to my lovely mom and family and friends :D xx
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