Thursday, February 26, 2009

What can I say?

Ok.  Done with that!  I will try to make it easier to read next time.  For some reason, I upload the photos in the right order but they don't come up the same on the actual site.  I need to figure that out.  Cool, someone from Bombay in on right now!  I hope you enjoy your visit!  Ok. I'm off to fix lunch and then figure out how to upload videos...


Sara said...

If you are using Blogger - you need to upload your photos in reverse order as to how you want them to show up on your blog. It took me a while to figure it out...

Hope that helps!

koivis said...

Greetings from Belgium

Coffeebean's Dailies said...

Hi Sara! Thanks! I will remember that for the next lot I add on! I do appreciate it and thanks for visiting!

Hi Koivis, I will go and check your site out now! Thanks!